[Question] [Help] asctime not recognized as time field in Kibana
babaMar opened this issue · 2 comments
babaMar commented
I'm struggling with getting a time field in Kibana, using the awsfirelens
Here's my ContainerDefinitions
- Essential: true
Image: amazon/aws-for-fluent-bit:latest
Name: !Join [ '-', [ 'LogRouter', 'energy', !Ref DeployEnvironment] ]
Type: fluentbit
config-file-type: 'file'
config-file-value: '/fluent-bit/configs/parse-json.conf'
LogDriver: awslogs
awslogs-group: firelens-container
awslogs-region: !Ref 'AWS::Region'
awslogs-create-group: 'true'
awslogs-stream-prefix: firelens
MemoryReservation: 50
- Environment:
Essential: true
Image: !Sub '${RepositoryURL}:${CommitHash}'
LogDriver: awsfirelens
Name: firehose
region: !Ref 'AWS::Region'
delivery_stream: !FindInMap [ EnvMap, !Ref DeployEnvironment, LogDeliveryStream ]
data_keys: 'asctime,name,module,lineno,funcName,levelname,message'
time_key: 'asctime'
time_key_format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%L'
I can see asctime
in Kibana fields, but only as a string.
Do I need an extra config for that?
PettitWesley commented
I am not certain... this seems like its probably a Kibana thing? The Fluent Bit firehose plugin and the firehose API have no concept of a timestamp. Just of bytes. So Fluent Bit is sending this timestamp as a string, and I think Kibana has to parse it. Unfortunately I do not know Kibana. But I am not aware of anyway that fluent bit can do anything beyond sending a serialized string to Firehose.
babaMar commented
Yeah, it turned out I had to set the date
type field on my index via API on Kibana to make it working.