
Go Extension - Cannot make an concurrent http request in external extension

L4B0MB4 opened this issue · 1 comments


  • Lambda that makes an http request to external extension.
  • External Extension running an http.Server (localhost:8111)
  • Incoming requests in the Extension are queued into a channel and handled async while returning status-code 201 to lambda request
  • During async handling of the requests a http call is made.

Expected Behaviour:
The HTTP call works during async handling

Actual Behaviour:
Only sync calls (for example during the http.HandleFunc or just in the main-func) work. Async http call times out after shutdown event

I tried multiple ways to implement this. For example making "processEvents" async and "StartChannel" async. Or a simple go-routine call in the handlefunc. Nothing seemed to work. And it seems very strange to me.

func main(){
         fmt.Println("So far its working")
        //this works perfectly fine
	_, err := http.Get("")

	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	defer cancel()

	/**** async http.listenAndServe with handlefunc etc ****/

	sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT)

	go func() {
		s := <-sigs
		fmt.Println("closing now")
	_, err = extensionClient.Register(ctx, extensionName)
	if err != nil {

	go  handler.ReadChannel()

func ReadChannel() {
	fmt.Println("starting channel")
	dataChannel := channelConfig.dataChannel
	for _:= range dataChannel {
	        // does not work and only times out after shutdown event
		_, err := http.Get("")


go.mod partial v1.27.1 v1.42.25 v1.6.0

template.yaml partial

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function 
      CodeUri: bin/lambda
      Handler: bootstrap
      Runtime: provided.al2
      MemorySize: 256
      Timeout: 5
      Tracing: Active 
        - !Ref EXTENSION

Can you please expand on how you expect this to work.
You have a function that makes a call within the handler code to your extension. When its sync, it works.
When it's an async call, you get no response?
How is the handler code expecting to get a response if its not a blocking call?
Are you wanting the extensions to respond back to the function handler code in some way?