
Documentation Improvements

slimandslam opened this issue · 4 comments

Some notes on the documentation that may help others:

You have to create these manually before executing the CLI Commands:

  <MARKETPLACE_ENTITLEMENT_SNS_TOPIC>  - This must be the full topic ARN (FIFO does not work - use STANDARD)
  <MARKETPLACE_SUBSCRIPTION_SNS_TOPIC>  - This must be the full topic ARN (FIFO does not work - use STANDARD)

You provide these strings before executing the CLI Commands:


This is created BY CLOUDFORMATION on your behalf:

<WEBSITE_BUCKET_NAME> - Make sure you supply a valid and unique name

Your stack may take 30 minutes to finish because it deploys a new Cloudfront distribution
which takes 15-30 minutes to deploy.

Go to Cloudfront to get your "website" URL. It will look something like:
You should be able to load it into any web browser and get a registration page.

Thanks @slimandslam. Consider PRing some changes into the actual documentation?

I'll make you a deal. I'll PR some changes into the documentation if you successfully solve a JavaScript SDK v3 issue I have involving Marketplace API calls.

I'll make you a deal. I'll PR some changes into the documentation if you successfully solve a JavaScript SDK v3 issue I have involving Marketplace API calls.

Open another issue here or put up a repo that reproduces the problem, and we can see if someone/me can help you?

And here it is: #10