
No Mysfit Grid on final website

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I followed the steps for the Mythical Mysfits tutorial closely and deployed the website. However, from Module 2 onward, the website shows only the header and footer, without the mysfits grid displaying.

I saw a thread with the same issue, but said the issue was automatically resolved after completing module 4 - this did not happen in my case. Any ideas as to why this is the case? Thanks in advance

I think I saw the same issue. It looks like the issue is related to 404 error I attached.

Could you check whether you have the same error?
And I would appreciate if you can share the thread you saw before.



I fixed the issue by doing the following thing.

Hope this help you!

I think I saw the same issue. It looks like the issue is related to 404 error I attached.

Could you check whether you have the same error?
And I would appreciate if you can share the thread you saw before.


The problem is solved in Issue #200 . Put all the print statements in parenthesis (). Don't forget to run the copy and git lines again to copy the changes to the repository and build again.

tdprb commented

Check your ApiEndpoint value in ~/environment/aws-modern-application-workshop/module-3/web/

I removed a trailing / and it fixed the issue for me.

Spent an hour or so on this troubleshooting. thanks to @tdprb, your solution fixed the issue for me.

I am having this same issue after completing module 4. I have looked at related cases and made suggested changes. Is there anything else that would cause this issue. I see a flash of something that looks like it might be the grid or part of the grid (flashes so quickly I can't tell). And then the grid disappears.... pulling my hair out here, any help is appreciated...

I will add that it didn't disappear from module 2-4 but only after completing module 4