
ELB Health Check

dylanbaribeault opened this issue · 2 comments

Running 2.0.1
Min. 2 Instances
Max 4 Instances
2 AZs

ASG running ELB Health check, scaling, but I do not see any reason why. Starts 2 new instances and shuts down the original two. Caught in a loop and stops on the 5th cycle.

Issue looks to be similar to #7

Yes, sounds similar to my issues...

As soon as I migrate my site over to this infrastructure, it is horribly slow. The latency causes the healthcheck to fail, then ASG cycles. Unfortunately, I/AWS can NOT figure out the root cause of the latency, yet.

Are your issues occurring with the fresh install of WordPress from the template or after you migrate a site over to this infrastructure?

The issue is occurring with a fresh install.