
Ops! Error: 500

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Ops! Error: 500,{"message":"Request failed with status code 429","name":"Error","stack":"Error: Request failed with status code 429\n at createError (/var/task/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)\n at settle (/var/task/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12)\n at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/var/task/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:322:11)\n at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:525:35)\n at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1359:12)\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)","config":{"transitional":{"silentJSONParsing":true,"forcedJSONParsing":true,"clarifyTimeoutError":false},"transformRequest":[null],"transformResponse":[null],"timeout":0,"xsrfCookieName":"XSRF-TOKEN","xsrfHeaderName":"X-XSRF-TOKEN","maxContentLength":-1,"maxBodyLength":-1,"headers":{"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, /","Content-Type":"application/json","User-Agent":"OpenAI/NodeJS/3.1.0","Authorization":"Bearer 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","Content-Length":135},"method":"post","data":"{"model":"text-davinci-003","prompt":"\nHi","temperature":0,"max_tokens":2000,"top_p":1,"frequency_penalty":0.5,"presence_penalty":0.1}","url":""},"status":429}


suggestion by ChatGPT:

The error message indicates that you have received a "429" HTTP response status code, which means that you have exceeded the rate limit for invoking the ChatGPT API. This can happen if you make too many requests to the API within a short period of time.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following:

Wait for a few minutes and try again: The rate limit is typically reset after a short period of time, so waiting a few minutes before making another request can often resolve the issue.

Reduce the frequency of API requests: If you are making a large number of requests to the API, you may need to reduce the frequency of these requests to avoid hitting the rate limit.

Contact OpenAI support: If the issue persists, you can contact OpenAI support to get further assistance with resolving the issue. They may be able to provide more information about the rate limit and suggest ways to optimize your API usage.

The issue could be solved by using API key of OpenAI paid account