
On signout Required String parameter 'redirect_uri' is not present

Dhyanesh97 opened this issue · 5 comments

I followed steps mentioned in below blog:

Set below parameters:
CreateCloudFrontDistribution => False
EnableSPAMode => False
OAuthScopes => email, openid
mentioned User pool details


Cloudfront configuration:


When I redirect app to URL "<<'Your CloudFront url'>>/signout" it gives below error in browser.


In Congnito, under app client setting I mentioned URL's as below.


Any help appreciated.

I am able to move ahead by updating signout URL in cognito.
From: "<<'Your CloudFront url'>>/signout"
To: "<<'Your CloudFront url'>>/"

But when I call "<<'Your CloudFront url'>>/signout" it is not redirecting me to login page. It just come back to same page and show same content unless i refresh the page manually. On manual refresh of the page it redirects me to the login page again.

Am i doing anything wrong ?

Hi @Dhyanesh97

Here's a little explanation on how it is supposed to work.

SignOutUrl (default value /signout) is the path you can visit to sign out your user -- meaning to clear the JWTs from the Cookies and also sign out from the Cognito Hosted UI.

So if your Auth@Edge CloudFront URL is e.g. then you could open in your browser to sign you out from Auth@Edge.

Signing out like that works as follows:

  1. First your JWT cookies are cleared (by Lamba@Edge)
  2. You are redirected to the Cognito signout endpoint (to sign you out from Cognito)
  3. After signout at Cognito, you are redirected back to your your CloudFront distribution, at the RedirectPathSignOut (so e.g.
  4. Since you are now no longer signed in, Auth@Edge should kick in, and redirect you to the Cognito Hosted UI to sign-in

(Yes it's redirect galore)

So, the RedirectPathSignOut is where Cognito redirects you back to at step 3 above, and must indeed match the value of "Sign Out URL(s)" in your app client config.

Hope that helps.

I see you're setting CreateCloudFrontDistribution to false, which means you must wire in the Authe@Edge lambda functions into your own CloudFront distribution. An example of how to do that is here. I think in order to help you debug your template, could you paste your CloudFormation template here (redacting out any sensitive things).

Have you solved your issues @Dhyanesh97 ?

I am able to move ahead by updating signout URL in cognito. From: "<<'Your CloudFront url'>>/signout" To: "<<'Your CloudFront url'>>/"

But when I call "<<'Your CloudFront url'>>/signout" it is not redirecting me to login page. It just come back to same page and show same content unless i refresh the page manually. On manual refresh of the page it redirects me to the login page again.

Am i doing anything wrong ?

Yes I solved the issue by adding refresh page in the code itself because angular wasn't refreshing entire page on logout.
Thank you for the explanation.

Great to hear !