
/wpfiles EFS symlink one level too deep?

Closed this issue · 6 comments


It appears that the symlink to /wpfiles is one level too deep? I just provisioned a Wordpress environment according to the guide at I see /var/app/current/wp-content/uploads/wpfiles is symlinked to /wpfiles

[root@ip-xx-xx-xx-xx uploads]# pwd
[root@ip-xx-xx-xx-xx uploads]# ls -l
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 webapp webapp 8 Sep 21 23:02 wpfiles -> /wpfiles
[root@ip-172-31-32-139 uploads]#

Shouldn't /var/app/current/wp-content/uploads be symlinked to /wpfiles instead?

It should. Here's the command that the configuration file runs-
sudo -u webapp ln -s /wpfiles wp-content/uploads

If you already have a folder in your source named wp-content/uploads, you would end up with a link named wpfiles inside that folder, instead of a link named uploads in wp-content.
Is there an uploads folder in your source bundle?

Yep, that was it. I deleted wp-content/uploads, re-zipped and re-uploaded to EB. Symlink looks good now. Thanks!

Hi, I hit this issue and after a bunch of investigation came to the conclusion in #13 (comment)

It seems likely other people will continue to stumble over this.

The eb-php-wordpress template has a wp-config-local.php file which indicates we're encouraged to work locally between deploys to AWS. Along the way invariably a wp-content/uploads folder will be created and checked-in.

The impact to me was that i ran an eb deploy and the checked in wp-content/uploads blew away the wp-content/uploads directory on my instance. 100% WAI, of course - but I had no idea until after the content was gone that the symlink hadn't properly been created.

Maybe use ln -F so that if the target exists and is a directory, it gets removed?

If that seems too destructive, instead fail with an error if the symlink hasn't been created successfully?

Hi Matthew,
I think we can avoid this by adding a .gitignore file to avoid checking in the uploads directory.
What do you think?


that's a good idea. What about other VCS systems, do they rely on .gitignore files as well?

I like bundling a .gitignore b/c after I've extracted everything I'll see a .gitignore file in my top-level WP dir - which immediately introduces me the notion of Elastic Beanstalk as a version controlled repo (from which you do can only deploy checked-in code).

Hello, I'm starting now with Beanstalk that I got this question too.

Would it be possible to mount the instance during deploy in the wordpress /www root folder?
This would avoid losing all wordpress core updates and plugins premium as well