
SSH-ing into Sagemaker studio (new) apps

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I've been trying to use this to SSH into SageMaker studio apps, but the setup fails. Main issues are hitting various permission errors that sagemaker-user doesn't hold.

I managed to get around it by installing as root, which brings a problem of root user not having AWS credentials exposed (possible to pass them from environment variables though).

  • Do you want to support ssh-ing into new SageMaker studio with this scripts?
  • Should ssm agent run as a root or sagemaker-user? Which setup is preferred?

Local scripts don't support it either, but that's something we can fix too and I managed to go around it.

For transparency, these are hacky instructions I assembled this morning to make it work. Ideally it'd be just one script call

Running as a sagemaker-user (probably should figure out a better way)
- chown -R $(whoami):users ~ (to give root ability to see /home/sagemaker-users)
- export | grep AWS
    - copy the output of this

Now open a sudo shell with "sudo su"
- paste the output of AWS credentials so sudo can work
- go to /home/sagemaker-user/sm-ssh-helper
- python -m ensurepip
- python -m pip install -e .
- sm-ssh-ide configure --ssh-only
- LOCAL_USER_ID="{org_id}:mario" 
- sm-ssh-ide set-local-user-id "$LOCAL_USER_ID"
- sm-ssh-ide init-ssm
- sm-ssh-ide stop
- sm-ssh-ide start
- cat /var/log/amazon/ssm/amazon-ssm-agent.log  | grep "Managed instance-id" (this will show you instance id, starts with mi-xxxx)
- sm-ssh-ide ssm-agent (keep this terminal opened)

Now on your laptop run

sm-local-start-ssh "$INSTANCE_ID" \
        -L localhost:10022:localhost:22 \

For more ssh options look into sm-local-ssh-ide script.

Oh I see there's #51.

How did you get this to work? sm-ssh-ide init-ssm doesn't work for me, as there is no UserProfileName in the /opt/ml/metadata/resource-metadata.json for the new studio (both code editor and jupyter).

Have you followed the instructions above?