
yaml template not working

satyamguharoy opened this issue · 3 comments

After installing I typed start and press tab key, but it did not bring up the basic template. it works for .json file though.

iDVB commented

I have the same issue, but only recently.

Confirmed. The issue seems to be related to the new version of yaml-language-server.

Until the issue is further isolated, please follow the steps below for a quick workaround.


  1. Go to Extensions list and choose Yaml Language Support by Red Hat
  2. Click the Settings wheel and choose Install Another Version
  3. Pick 0.4.1
  4. After installation restart VS Code
  5. Yaml snippets should work again as expected.

yaml server

0.5.0 and 0.5.1 were released 2 days / 1 day ago, so guys from Red Hat probably introduced some breaking changes.

iDVB commented

@aws-scripting-guy I found the issue that got them to fix and up the version. redhat-developer/vscode-yaml#215

I can confirm that your extension was broken since before this latest fix. In fact it’s how I got started down the path to fixing that other module.

Oh, BOTH versions were in the last few days? Maybe it broke on the first of those two. That would explain a lot.

UPDATE - yes rolling back to YAML v0.4.1 two does fix the issue for now.