
ImportError: cannot import name 'docevents' from ''

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botocore 1.18.0 removed AWS CLI specific doc files. Those were already migrated to the CLI in version 1.18.140.

This is failing codebuild stage.

Please add following awscli upgrade command

pip install --upgrade pip

I'm facing same error
ImportError: cannot import name 'docevents' from '' (/root/.pyenv/versions/3.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/docs/bcdoc/
please fix it (above script should fix )
Thanks !

Hello @SamiMamdouh @ahmei0
We are testing the fix and plan to publish a new version as soon as possible.

We're experiencing the same issue. Great to know a fix is in the works to solve this.

(I'm not with Amazon/AWS) As a workaround, until the script is fixed in the main repo, you can make a 1 line change to the buildspec to fix this. The fix is based on the PR that ahmei0 posted above, not my work. The PR is to fix the script that we can't easily modify in our environment though. This workaround changes the buildspec which we do have control over while we wait for the real fix.

  • Go to the CodePipeline dashboard and select the "Custom-Control-Tower-CodeBuild" project
  • Go to the Build Details tab and scroll down to the Buildspec, click Edit
  • Find the "pre_build:" "commands:" section.
  • Add the following line just before the "bash $STAGE_NAME" line:
    - pip install --upgrade awscli

I can't afford downtime for our CT customization pipeline, so I needed to find a workaround.


- pip install --upgrade --user awscli

just before each "pre_build" block in the buildspec should fix this:


      - apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
      - apt-get install zip wget python-pip libyaml-dev -y
      - pip install --upgrade --user awscli

(This is due to an update on botocore that was released on Sept 17th.
In order to be able to import the dependency, customers will need to upgrade the awscli or install the awscli manually until a fix is released)

I modified the CfCT template for the BuildSpecs:


Add "\n - pip install --upgrade awscli\n - aws --version" to lines 517, 641 and 811.

Do it right after "- apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y". Then Update the CfCT stack.

Can you please close this ticket if v1.2.1 resolves this issue.

Issue resolved in release v1.2.1