
Honeypot Cloudfront integration

pbalajiips opened this issue · 3 comments

I have deployed "aws-waf-security-automations" Cloudformation template on our stg env. i see the HoneyPot APIGateway created. to Add CloudFront behavior, if someone has list of honeypot URI please share with me.

Thanks for the question. You can find the honeypot URL on the Outputs tab of the CloudFormation stack: open the AWS CloudFormation console, choose the stack that you deployed, choose the Outputs tab, and then choose the value for BadBotHoneypotEndpoint.

@aijunpeng Thanks for the response, i was asking about, list of vulnerable URI that can be monitored by Honeypot, such as

We don't maintain such list. In general, Honeypot can lure and deflect any attackers attempting to access it.