
Updated tags in v2.0.0 causes replacement of Transit Gateway and its route tables

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Upgrading STNO from v1.0.0 to v2.0.0 causes a replacement of Transit Gateway and its route tables due to changes in the tags, as documented here

This also caused duplicate Transit Gateway and Route tables due to the Retain policy.

@david-prado Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have not seen this behavior in our testing. It would be great if you could open a support case via the console to allow us to obtain and review the logs. Thanks.

I have opened a support case with instructions to contact you so you can look at the logs. Thanks

@david-prado Was your issue resolved?

I am facing a similar issue in our customer environment which is preventing us from promoting v2.0.0 to production. Anyone found a workaround for this? @david-prado

I am facing a similar issue in our customer environment which is preventing us from promoting v2.0.0 to production. Anyone found a workaround for this? @david-prado

We just updated the v2.0.0 template with same tags as previous version. That prevents the replacement

This issue has been resolved. CFN now supports name replacement as an update without interruption.