Memory leak on meetingSession.audioVideo.start()
rouzbeh-abadi opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi, I'm using this framework to establish a video call with a custom VideoSource
Here is my video source class :
import Foundation
import AmazonChimeSDK
class CustomVideoSource: VideoSource, VideoSink {
var videoContentHint = VideoContentHint.none
private lazy var sinks = NSMutableSet()
func onVideoFrameReceived(frame: VideoFrame) {
for sink in sinks {
(sink as? VideoSink)?.onVideoFrameReceived(frame: frame)
func addVideoSink(sink: VideoSink) {
func removeVideoSink(sink: VideoSink) {
I created this custom video source with frames that come from iOS's vision framework . Without publishing the stream, the memory usage of the app is about 100 mb and there is no memory leak according to the instruments app in Xcode.
But as soon as I start streaming with meetingSession.audioVideo.start()
a number of memory leaks occurs
This memory leak doesn't impact that much when no customise video source is using for the stream, but when I feed it with the customize video source the memory starts to increase to >2gb that crashes the app
And here is how I start the stream
private func setupMeeting() {
meetingSession = DefaultMeetingSession(configuration: meetingSessionConfig, logger: logger)
// Start Audio
do {
try self.currentMeetingSession?.audioVideo.start()
} catch PermissionError.audioPermissionError {
print("microphone permission is not granted")
} catch {
// Start local video.
DispatchQueue.background(background: { [weak self] in
guard let this = self else { return }
this.meetingSession?.audioVideo.startLocalVideo(source: this.customVideoSource)
this.meetingSession?.audioVideo.addVideoTileObserver(observer: this)
this.meetingSession?.audioVideo.addRealtimeObserver(observer: this)
And here is the logs if it is helpful
2023-02-13 14:14:00.480047+0100 appName[2212:535318] [INFO] Stream log: -> - API/DefaultAudioVideoFacade/start(audioVideoConfiguration: <AmazonChimeSDK.AudioVideoConfiguration: 0x2830e1420>)
2023-02-13 14:14:00.480184+0100 appName[2212:535537] [INFO] Stream log: -> - Torch is not available on current camera.
2023-02-13 14:14:00.480348+0100 appName[2212:535537] [INFO] Stream log: -> - Setting simulcast
2023-02-13 14:14:00.480406+0100 appName[2212:535537] [INFO] Stream log: -> - Starting local video with custom source and custom config
2023-02-13 14:14:00.501875+0100 appName[2212:535318] [INFO] Stream log: -> - AudioClient State: connecting Status: ok
2023-02-13 14:14:00.502212+0100 appName[2212:535318] [INFO] Stream log: -> - AudioClient State: finishConnecting Status: ok
2023-02-13 14:14:00.502384+0100 appName[2212:535318] [INFO] Stream log: -> - videoClientIsConnecting
2023-02-13 14:14:00.576686+0100 appName[2212:535318] [INFO] Stream log: -> - attendeesJoined: [<AmazonChimeSDK.AttendeeInfo: 0x283e30300>]
2023-02-13 14:14:01.173810+0100 appName[2212:535318] [INFO] Stream log: -> - videoClientDidConnect, 0
2023-02-13 14:14:01.233746+0100 appName[2212:535318] [INFO] Stream log: -> - videoClientCameraSendIsAvailable true
2023-02-13 14:14:01.365681+0100 appName[2212:535318] [INFO] Stream log: -> - videoClientCameraSendIsAvailable true
2023-02-13 14:14:01.365788+0100 appName[2212:535318] [INFO] Stream log: -> - videoClientCameraSendIsAvailable true
2023-02-13 14:14:01.432351+0100 appName[2212:535318] [INFO] Stream log: -> - videoClientCameraSendIsAvailable true
And tested it on different iPhones from iPhone 11 to iPhone 14 pro max
and the podfile:
target 'appName' do
# Pods for appName
pod 'AmazonChimeSDK-No-Bitcode'
Thanks and looking forward to your response
Hi @rouzbeh-abadi, thanks for reporting this, currently we have an issue tracking the work for memory leak: #216
Could you confirm if the leak you're seeing is from AmazonChimeSDKMedia?
Also what's the purpose of this CustomVideoSource
seems it's simply passing the buffers. Do you see this leak when you're not using a customer video source instead?
Hi @linsang21,
Thanks for your response, It seems the leaks occurs in the start function. It's part of AmazonChimeSDK
/// Start AudioVideo Controller
/// - Throws: `PermissionError.audioPermissionError` if `RecordPermission` is not given
/// - Throws: `MediaError.audioFailedToStart` if audio client failed to start
/// - Throws: `MediaError.illegalState` if audio client is already started before calling start()
@objc func start() throws
And I can see these leaks when I use a custom VideoSource and when I don't, in both cases these leak occur.
Still facing this issue in iOS