vcpus=96 returned r5.large which is 2cpu
matti opened this issue · 5 comments
ec2-instance-selector --region=eu-north-1 --vcpus=96 --memory-min=192 --hypervisor nitro --cpu-architecture x86_64 --deny-list '^vt.|^inf.|d\.|en\.|dn\.' --gpus 0 --network-performance-max 50 --root-device-type ebs --usage-class=spot --price-per-hour-max 1.4 --max-results 100
returned once
- c5.24xlarge
- c5a.24xlarge
- c6i.24xlarge
- m5.24xlarge
- r5.large
couldn't reproduce it, but I'm 100% sure about this as it was in CI/CD and suddenly my 96cpu instances had one 2cpu among them
I am also unable to reproduce this issue.
I have similar issue with
ec2-instance-selector --cpu-architecture x86_64 --base-instance-type t3.medium --usage-class spot --region eu-west-1 --sort-by spot-price --sort-direction asc --price-per-hour-max 0.0408
which returned:
+ instance_types = [
+ "m3.medium",
+ "m1.medium",
+ "t3a.medium",
+ "t3.medium",
+ "t2.medium",
+ "c5d.large",
+ "c5a.large",
+ "c5ad.large",
+ "c3.large",
+ "c5.large",
+ "c6id.large",
+ "c6i.large",
+ "c6a.large",
+ "c6in.large",
+ "c4.large",
+ "c6gd.16xlarge", # <----- NOT OK
+ instance_types = [
+ "m3.medium",
+ "m1.medium",
+ "t3a.medium",
+ "t3.medium",
+ "t2.medium",
+ "c5d.large",
+ "c5a.large",
+ "c5ad.large",
+ "c3.large",
+ "c5.large",
+ "c6id.large",
+ "c6in.large",
+ "c6a.large",
+ "c6i.large",
+ "c4.large",
+ "r6g.8xlarge", # <----- NOT OK
# ec2-instance-selector --version
After some tests, I've found that, with reproduction ratio around 3%, some random spot instances are returned even with --price-per-hour-max 0.0
# for f in `seq 200`; do ec2-instance-selector --cpu-architecture x86_64 --base-instance-type t3.large --usage-class spot --region eu-west-1 -o table-wide --price-per-hour-max 0.0; sleep 5; done
NOTE: The criteria was too narrow and returned no valid instance types. Consider broadening your criteria so that more instance types are returned.
NOTE: The criteria was too narrow and returned no valid instance types. Consider broadening your criteria so that more instance types are returned.
NOTE: The criteria was too narrow and returned no valid instance types. Consider broadening your criteria so that more instance types are returned.
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
c6id.24xlarge 96 192 nitro true false x86_64 37.5 Gigabit 15 0 0 none $5.4936 $1.73145
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
c5d.18xlarge 72 144 nitro true true x86_64 25 Gigabit 15 0 0 none $3.924 $1.2367
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
r5d.24xlarge 96 768 nitro true false x86_64 25 Gigabit 15 0 0 none $7.68 $1.8139
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
z1d.large 2 16 nitro true false x86_64 Up to 10 Gigabit 3 0 0 none $0.208 $0.0624
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
m5zn.12xlarge 48 192 nitro true false x86_64 100 Gigabit 15 0 0 none $4.4184 $0.8657
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
c6id.2xlarge 8 16 nitro true false x86_64 Up to 12.5 Gigabit 4 0 0 none $0.4578 $0.16517
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
z1d.large 2 16 nitro true false x86_64 Up to 10 Gigabit 3 0 0 none $0.208 $0.0624
I thought above could be related with below code:
func (c *SpotPricing) calculateSpotAggregate(spotPriceEntries []*spotPricingEntry) float64 {
if len(spotPriceEntries) == 0 {
return 0.0
but this would not explain, why these random instance types are not matching for example --base-instance-type t3.large
criterium. After some time with another test (--price-per-hour-min 0.000001 --price-per-hour-max 0.000001
) I've got:
for f in `seq 500`; do ec2-instance-selector --cpu-architecture x86_64 --base-instance-type t3.large --usage-class spot --region eu-west-1 -o table-wide --price-per-hour-min 0.000001 --price-per-hour-max 0.000001; sleep 5; done 2>&1 | grep -v "Consider broadening your criteria so that more instance types are returned"
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
x1.32xlarge 128 1,952 xen true false x86_64 25 Gigabit 8 0 0 none $16.006 $4.8018
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
c6id.12xlarge 48 96 nitro true false x86_64 18.75 Gigabit 8 0 0 none $2.7468 $1.09795
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
r5d.xlarge 4 32 nitro true true x86_64 Up to 10 Gigabit 4 0 0 none $0.32 $0.07967
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
m6in.12xlarge 48 192 nitro true false x86_64 75 Gigabit 8 0 0 none $3.73464 $0.909
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
m6gd.16xlarge 64 256 nitro true false arm64 25 Gigabit 15 0 0 none $3.2256 $1.26193
Instance Type VCPUs Mem (GiB) Hypervisor Current Gen Hibernation Support CPU Arch Network Performance ENIs GPUs GPU Mem (GiB) GPU Info On-Demand Price/Hr Spot Price/Hr (30d avg)
------------- ----- --------- ---------- ----------- ------------------- -------- ------------------- ---- ---- ------------- -------- ------------------ -----------------------
t3a.2xlarge 8 32 nitro true true x86_64 Up to 5 Gigabit 4 0 0 none $0.3264 $0.12976
So it doesn't looks like related with specific flags, but rather general bug (in cache?), and it is reproducible.