
--output table-wide never return

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I tried the following command ec2-instance-selector --memory 4 --vcpus 2 --cpu-architecture x86_64 -r us-east-1 -o table-wide on Windows 11 with aws-cli/2.15.11 and the command never return. Eventually the process has to be killed. I have tried the same on Fedora with same aws cli version and the outcome is the same.

Any body has similar issue?

I experience this too. It happens on both table-wide and interactive.

Thing is, it does work it's just excruciatingly slow the first time. Once the cache is built it seems to be reasonably fast.

Nuking the cache and running took 2 minutes. Subsequent runs took only 6-8 seconds.

The us-east-1-spot-pricing-cache.gob cache file seems to be what takes all the time. Interestingly, specifying --usage-class on-demand on the first run after nuking the cache still results in that cache file being generated even though the requested filter won't select spot instances. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯