
Upgrade fails from 1.5.0 to 1.5.2

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I get this notification:
2022-11-01T22:35:01+08:00 ๐’Š New version of agc available. Current version is '1.5.0'. The latest version is '1.5.2'. Please consider upgrading to the latest version by following

I install the new version by following:

I check the version:

$ agc --version
agc version: 1.5.0

It's still the old version and I keep receiving the notification in new terminal windows.

Hello Omar,

Thanks for reaching out! I was able to download the and successfully install the 1.5.2 release on my Mac.

Can you elaborate more on which binary you downloaded and the operating system you used?

Thank you.

Ohh got it now, I had just copy pasted the command on the page:
aws s3api get-object --bucket healthai-public-assets-us-east-1 --key amazon-genomics-cli/nightly-build/

which gave me the nightly build.

Once I specified the version as below, it worked fine: