
Feature Request: Custom Tags at Context Level

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I would like to request the ability to apply custom tags at the context level in Amazon Genomics CLI (AGC). Currently, custom tags can be applied at the account level using the agc account activate --tags command, but this applies the tags to all contexts. My proposal is to enable the application of custom tags specific to each context. This feature would allow users to assign custom key-value pairs to AWS resources created within a particular context.

Use Case

The primary use case for this feature is to enable more granular cost tracking and resource management. By assigning custom tags at the context level, users can charge different projects or teams based on the resources created within each context. For example, a user may want to tag all EC2 instances and EBS volumes created within a specific context with a unique project identifier.

Proposed Solution

I propose adding a new configuration option in the "age-project.yaml" YAML file under the "contexts" section. Users should be able to specify custom tags for each context by providing key-value pairs. Here's an example of how the YAML configuration might look:

      - type: wdl
        engine: cromwell
      - key: "project-number"
        value: "1234.5678"

This configuration would result in all AWS resources created within the "myContext" context being tagged with "project-number: 1234.5678."

Other information

This feature would greatly enhance the flexibility and resource management capabilities of Amazon Genomics CLI. It would enable users to allocate costs accurately and organize resources efficiently within their AWS accounts.

I believe this feature would be valuable to many users who work with multiple contexts and need to track expenses and resources at a more detailed level.

Thank you for considering this feature request!