
[KVS lambda] error when running 'KinesisVideoRekognitionLambdaExample'

tytx opened this issue · 1 comments

tytx commented

I am running the specific example "KinesisVideoRekognitionLambdaExample" from to to display the bounding box results from amazon rekognition to be outputed into a separate KVS stream with + 'Rekognized' suffix My video is fed to KVS thru RTSP (able to be seen playing on web console) However i am getting this error from my cloudwatch logs and the 2nd stream is not being created.

2022-03-15 06:23:30 DEBUG H264FrameProcessor:195 - Rendering Rekognized sampled frame...
DEBUG BoundingBoxImagePanel:43 - Number of detected faces in a frame 1

DEBUG H264FrameProcessor:117 - Encoded frame : 0 with timecode : 1647316003220

2022-03-15 06:23:31 INFO H264FrameProcessor:128 - Initializing JNI...

2022-03-15 06:23:31 INFO H264FrameProcessor:72 - Initializing KVS Producer with stream name LiveRekognitionVideoAnalysisBlog-Rekognized and region : US_WEST_2
ERROR GetMediaForFragmentListWorker:67 - Failure in GetMediaForFragmentListWorker for streamName LiveRekognitionVideoAnalysisBlog {}