
Unable to Build using Provided Instructions

faizhassan-ibex opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi - Good day. I'm struggling with build for quite a while. I've fully functionally dev environment equipped with :

  1. Java 2.x (20.0.1)
  2. Apache Maven 3.9.2
  3. Able to Build and Run S3Client Project
  4. Tried different lombok versions
    Below is the error returned and build failed: mvn clean install

\ [delomboked]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 9.188 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2023-06-21T16:43:12+05:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.projectlombok:lombok-maven-plugin: (delombok) on project amazon-kinesis-video-streams-parser-library: Unable to delombok: InvocationTargetException: var -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]

Hi @faizhassan-ibex, can you try building it with Java 8?

Ran into this as well--switching to OpenJDK 8 worked fine.