
How to extract simpleblock timecode value

varun-tangoit opened this issue · 2 comments

We want to extract each simpleblock timecode value into local textfile. Im currently using kinesisVideoExample module using write mkv file locally at the same i want those timecode values also. Could you please help me out, is there any reservered keyword using can we able to get value?

> <Cluster>
>   <Timecode>1589878994265</Timecode>
>   <SimpleBlock>
>     <track>1</track>
>     **<timecode>1589878994.265</timecode>**
>     <keyframe/>
> -------
> ------
> ---

There are some samples in the parser. Recommend looking through the samples to get more info.

Here is an example on hot to get the frame bits :

Here is the declaration of the timecode:

Please resolve if your question is answered.
