
[BUG] SSH Tunnel Needs rework

lyndonbauto opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently the SSH tunnel has some issues and is poorly documented. It was removed due to this problem, we need to fix it and revive the documentation.

Some details:
When strict host key checking is enabled, there is a weird error

On Tableau Desktop, when i enable strict host key checking but did not modify known hosts file yet, it fails with weird error message. Log shows problem is related to host key checking but error message on Tableau is about not adding driver.

Tableau crashes when strict host key check is disabled.

Also at random times when using SSH tunneling and disabling the strict host ket check causes the tableau to freeze.

SSH Tunnel Docs unclear

The discussion of SSH tunnels is really unclear. If I am running over an SSH tunnel do I also need to give all these parameters to the driver? The sample code in the docs just hangs for me while trying to connect over an SSH tunnel so the docs need to make very explicit when these parameters are needed and why. Having to put pem file info etc into text inside code is not secure.

Establishing a connection manually via a URL could use a concrete example walkthrough when configuring an SSH tunnel.