
How to make changes to IAM Role

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Ran into the error
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the CreateProject operation: User: arn:aws:sts::994669122466:assumed-role/sagemaker-immersion-day-SageMakerExecutionRole-9zz8Vn2LZg9h/SageMaker is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::994669122466:role/sagemaker-immersion-day-SageMakerExecutionRole-9zz8Vn2LZg9h because no identity-based policy allows the iam:PassRole action

-As a suggestion by the AWS :
go to SageMaker Studio, then click on the SageMaker Studio "User name"
copy the name of the SageMaker Studio execution role (not the full ARN).
go to IAM, then click on "Roles", then search roles by the name of the execution role you copied above (the format should be similar to this AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-20200718T003573) then click on the only item that appears under "Role name"
click on the "Trust relationships" tab, then click on "Edit trust relationship"
in the "Edit trust relationship" text area, paste the json iam policy from the codeblock below or this repository , then click on "Update Trust Policy"

I am not able to do this step.
When I click on SageMaker Studio “User name” nothing happens
I created a domain as shown in the session and still nothing happens.

Hi @kumkum11, are you using SageMaker Studio Classic or SageMaker Studio?
In case of SageMaker Studio Classic, you will see your execution role as default-<15 digit alphanumeric code> on the top right and for new Studio, you will see it when you click on the user-profile. You can copy the alphanumeric code and search in the IAM-> Roles section.

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