
Incorrect aws-k8s-cni.yaml

joval-sv opened this issue · 3 comments

While upgrading to version 1.15.4 (the latest version) I got a warning that the current version v1.12.2 is now unsupported. So, in order to fix this issue, I'm downloading both YAML documents directly using:

For the new version: v1.15.4

For the old version: v1.12.2

I was going to destroy the old definitions by:
kubectl delete -f aws-k8s-cni-v1.12.2.yaml

Then install the new version with:
kubectl apply -f aws-k8s-cni-v1.15.4.yaml

But when double checking the content of the file: aws-k8s-cni-v1.15.4.yaml the content is the same as the content from the v1.14.1 version. This does not happen with version v1.15.3.

curl -O
grep image aws-k8s-cni.yaml
        image: ""
          image: ""
          image: ""

This is not an issue when upgrading via the AWS Console or via the aws-cli tools.
Could it be that just this resource is pointing to the wrong version?


  • Kubernetes version: 1.26

  • CNI Version: v1.12.2

  • OS: Amazon Linux 2

  • Kernel: 5.10.197-186.748.amzn2.x86_64

  • Local: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

  • Kernel: Linux PF426J1K #1 SMP Thu Oct 5 21:02:42 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

@joval-sv thank you for catching this! It looks like the v1.15.4 tag somehow got applied to the release-1.14 branch instead of the release-1.15 branch. I am not sure how that happened, so I am digging into it now. I will fix the tag and recreate the release 🤦🏻

@joval-sv the tag is fixed now, thank you again for reporting. I will continue to figure out where the typo came from


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