
CNI Plugin version requirements

bryantbiggs opened this issue · 3 comments

What happened:

  1. What are the supported CNI Plugin versions that the VPC CNI supports (i.e. - could users install 1.3.0 on the AMI?)
  2. Do the CNI Plugins still need to be pre-installed in the AMI given #2355 - it seems like there might be a chicken vs the egg scenario there so I'm not sure if they can or cannot be removed
  1. We validate all upstream CNI plugin releases against the VPC CNI. v1.3.0 is supported and all plugins are installed by the init container today:
  2. So we bundle the core CNI plugins with the aws-node daemonset, but since some customers consume the AMI but do not use the AWS VPC CNI, the AMI bundles the plugins as well. For customers using the AWS VPC CNI, the aws-node daemonset will just overwrite the plugins installed by the AMI.

awesome, good to know - thank you!


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