
Is it possible to route cluster-ip traffic from EC2 instances (the outside of eks, but same vpc) to EKS

zhxjdwh opened this issue · 2 comments

What happened:

We have few EKS clusters, We want to directly access the cluster-ip on other ec2 instance in same vpc,
But we cannot find any robust solution to deal with this scenario,
If we can make cluster-ip accessable, that will be very simple to config ALB or access from EC2 instance,
and also we can make all EKS clusters communicate each other by cluster-ip(or service name :

There is a simplest way to route the cluster-ip traffic to eks,

  1. change the kube-proxy mode to ipvs, and enable kube-proxy masq all
  2. config the VPC route table, add a static route nexthop to one of EKS NODE, like this: nexthop EKS_NODE_1 IP

Then,we can access cluster-ip from the outside of eks,
But, There are some problem,

  1. EC2 AUTOSCALING GROUP will dynamicly scale up or scale down the EKS, It will be a big problem that use a singel EKS NODE as nexthop on VPC route table
  2. The VPC route table can't support ECMP, we can't config multiple nexthop on cluster-ip like traditional hardware router

Hence,we considerated that is not a reliable solution,
We try to find other more reliable and robust solution deal with this scenario !!!!
Are there any suggections about this scenario ? Thanks!!!!

There is one of our EKS cluster network configuration:
Cluster IP CIDR:

No, it is not possible to route Cluster-IP traffic to the outside of the cluster (be it within same VPC). The cluster-ip is meant for services within the cluster. The mechanisms you like proxying can temporary work, but they aren't a valid solutions or workarounds. Inter Cluster communication can best be setup if you are LB, like AWS Load Balancer Controller.

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