
Bootstrap stacks as CDK apps

rix0rrr opened this issue · 3 comments

PR Champion
# @nija-at


The bootstrap stack is a CloudFormation template. Wouldn't it be cool if it was a CDK stack, built from CDK constructs?

Wouldn't it be even cooler if we could directly install it from NPM with a nice UI? (a la applets)

See discussion at aws/aws-cdk#9886


  • Tracking Issue Created
  • RFC PR Created
  • Core Team Member Assigned
  • Initial Approval / Final Comment Period
  • Ready For Implementation
    • implementation issue 1
  • Resolved
eladb commented

A very important tenant that must be preserve is that bootstrap templates should be usable through account stamping tools like StackSets and Control Tower/Landing Zone.

This implies that we should enforce/ensure that the same bootstrap template can be used for multiple environments.

This implies that all degrees of freedom should be expressable through cfn parameters and the CDK CLI should not synthesize the bootstrap stack per environment.

So using the CDK should be kept to synthesizing a "pure" reusable cfn template (which is against the normal style of using the CDK).

We could go really meta, and use the @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include module to implement this 😃

Marking this RFCs as stale since there has been little recent activity and it is not currently close to getting accepted as-is. We appreciate the effort that has gone into this proposal. Marking an RFCs as stale is not a one-way door. If you have made substantial changes to the proposal, please open a new issue/RFC. You might also consider raising a PR to aws/aws-cdk directly or self-publishing to Construct Hub.