
Why are Amazon Linux 2023 images called amazonlinux2?

dennisvang opened this issue · 7 comments

According to the docs the latest x84_64 image identifier for Amazon Linux 2023 is aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:5.0:

screenshot of docs, in case they are updated later

Take special note of the amazonlinux2 in the identifier for the AL 2023 image.

Despite it being called amazonlinux2, the image [amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:5.0]( does indeed point to an Amazon Linux 2023 image:

FROM AS core

This is quite confusing, especially when selecting an image in the codebuild console, because the option name suggests amazon linux 2, but it's actually an AL2023 image:

screenshot of codebuild console showing confusing names

Yet more idiocy. They have no idea how to explain anything to their users, and naming things like this doesn't help one bit. Not a single mention of this naming strategy anywhere they are used, nor in the Blog post mentioning the availability of AL2023 on Lambda.

Came here after today's emails from AWS:

Starting on September 4, 2024, AWS CodeBuild will upgrade its fleet of build hosts to use Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023) from Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) [1]. If your builds rely on AL2 as the underlying operating system, you will need to update your buildspec and any custom images to work with the AL2023. However, if you have already upgraded your buildspec or any custom images you can disregard the rest of this message.

Seeing amazonlinux2 in several of our production buildspecs got me worried, but as pointed out, it looks like we've already migrated to AL2023. Very strange naming choices.

I was also bitten by this naming inconsistency please add better documentation or warning in the UI

+1 here

+1 got confused and had to review config for a bit of time