
Static error function cannot be removed from CBMC report

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Static error function aws_raise_error cannot be removed from CBMC reports even though it comes from project sources. In particular, it comes from an include of error.c from the AWS-C-Common project.

This issue could be related to #624 , although in this case the proof result is not affected.

Here is the list of proofs related to the issue:

  • aws_cryptosdk_edk_list_clean_up
  • aws_cryptosdk_edk_list_clear
  • aws_cryptosdk_enc_materials_destroy
  • aws_cryptosdk_keyring_trace_clean_up
  • aws_cryptosdk_keyring_trace_clear
  • aws_cryptosdk_keyring_trace_eq

aws_raise_error is implemented in error.inl, which does have a correspondent "uninline" file (i.e., error.c) in the verification/cbmc/uninline folder. Perhaps, we are not adding correctly its mangled name in the Makefile (it contains $link2 sufix).