
[error] could not open parser configuration file, aborting

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Using multi config feature through aws ecs task definition environment variables, which are fetching the arn values of configuration files stored in s3.

            "Name": "aws_fluent_bit_init_s3_parsers",
            "Value": "arn_value_of_s3_file"
            "Name": "aws_fluent_bit_init_s3_filters",
            "Value": "arn_value_of_s3_file"

Describe the question/issue

The feature is working perfectly fine. But during the initial logs of fluentbit container we receive an error log -
"[error] could not open parser configuration file, aborting."


We are using aws-for-fluent-bit:init-2.32.0.

parser.conf file configuration

    Name        docker
    Format      json
    Time_Key    time
    Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z
    Time_Keep   On

filter.conf file configuration

  Parsers_File /init/fluent-bit-init-s3-files/parsers.conf

  Name   parser
  Match  *
  Parser  docker
  Key_Name log
  Reserve_Data on

  Name record_modifier
  Match *
  Remove_key source
  Remove_key container_name
  Remove_key ecs_cluster
  Remove_key ecs_task_arn
  Remove_key ecs_task_definition
  Remove_key ec2_instance_id
  Record   hostname ${HOSTNAME}
  Record   stack ${STACK_NAME}

Fluent Bit Log Output

Logs in warn mode.

bit -e /fluent-bit/ -e /fluent-bit/ -e /fluent-bit/ -c /init/fluent-bit-init.conf -R /init/fluent-bit-init-s3-files/sensu-agent-parser.conf"
Fluent Bit v1.9.10
* Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Fluent Bit Authors
* Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd

[2023/11/07 21:32:36] [error] could not open parser configuration file, aborting.

Logs in info/debug mode continue to reflect to have same initial logs.. continued with normal logs.


There should be no initial error log line.