
MQTT5: on_publish_received callback input does not match awscrt.mqtt5.ClientOptions.on_publish_callback_fn

blthayer opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the issue

The documentation for awsiot.mqtt5_client_builder describes common arguments for all builder functions. The on_publish_received argument indicates:

Callback invoked for all publish packets received by client.

The function should take the following arguments and return nothing:

Taking a look at the source code here, we can see a ClientOptions instance instantiated if not provided:

    client_options = _get(kwargs, 'client_options')
    if client_options is None:
        client_options = awscrt.mqtt5.ClientOptions(
            host_name=_get(kwargs, 'endpoint')

Later on in the same function, here we can see that the on_publish_received callback is set on the client_options:

    if client_options.on_publish_callback_fn is None:
        client_options.on_publish_callback_fn = _get(kwargs, 'on_publish_received')

However, if we look at the documentation for on_publish_callback_fn in awscrt:

  • on_publish_callback_fn (Callable[[PublishReceivedData],]) – Callback for all publish packets received by client.

In conclusion

  • awsiotsdk specifies the callback input as awscrt.mqtt5.PublishPacket
  • but awscrt specifies the callback input as awscrt.mqtt5.PublishReceivedData

Based on the other callbacks, I'm guessing awsiotsdk documentation/type hinting is incorrect and the callback will receive PublishReceivedData, not PublishPacket (note that PublishReceivedData is a dataclass with only one field: publish_packet which is hinted as a PublishPacket instance).


Hello @blthayer ,

Thank you very much for your detailed submission and for bringing this up to our attention.
I have submitted a PR to fix the on_publish_received argument documentation.

We really appreciate your feedback and collaboration.

I wish you a very nice day.



Thank you very much for bring this up to our attention and helping us improving our SDK documentation. This issue is fixed by 6ee31da

Best regards,



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