
Fail of the AcquireCredentialsHandleA for TLS 1.3

YuriL180821 opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug

AcquireCredentialsHandleA return 0x80090331 for TLS1.3 protocol which leads to negotiation error AWS_IO_TLS_ERROR_NEGOTIATION_FAILURE. Same methods with same credentials works fine for lower TLS versions

Expected Behavior

AcquireCredentialsHandleA should return SEC_E_OK for any TLS protocol versions

Current Behavior

AcquireCredentialsHandleA fails for latest master on given moment

Reproduction Steps

activate AWS_IO_TLSv1_3 version for tls handler

Possible Solution

According to MS learn

In order to use TLS 1.3 with schannel, you should use the SCH_CREDENTIALS structure instead of the SCHANNEL_CRED structure with AcquireCredentialsHandle().

SCH_CREDENTIALS - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

i.e current sc_ctx->credentials which is pointer to SCHANNEL_CRED structure

SECURITY_STATUS status = AcquireCredentialsHandleA(
    &sc_ctx->credentials,//<-- currently it is SCHANNEL_CRED

should be replaced on SCH_CREDENTIALS

Additional Information/Context


AWS CPP SDK version used

1.26.0, 1.30.0

Compiler and Version used

MSVS 2022 Professional

Operating System and version

Windows 11 x64

jmklix commented

It look like you are trying to use the IoT sdk not this sdk. Can you open an issues here(aws-iot-device-sdk-cpp-v2) and provide a code sample that reproduces this?

Hello @jmklix

Thanks for reacting on my issue !
Looks like you are right my issue is about problem in AWS-C-IO which in it's turn is one of submodule into AWS CRT CPP

It's because this is submodule of current SDK
I made a little bit correct assumption about responsibilities about right team for fixing that problem.
I'm going to address this issue to them, now.


Already did right targeting team and registered issue for AWS-C-IO,
link on problem is awslabs/aws-c-io#609

Hi @YuriL180821 ,

Thank you for reporting this issue.
As discussed, this one is for AWS Iot SDK for CPP and out common dependency AWS CRT / aws-c-io.
I will close this issue, please contact us again should you have any other issue.

Best regards,


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