
options.authProvider must be an instance of AuthProvider

Opened this issue · 4 comments

prad9 commented

Trying to connect to Keyspaces in region ap-southeast-2 using sigv4 node driver plugin but for some reason during the client initialization it throws error saying "options.authProvider must be an instance of AuthProvider"

npm: 6.14.11
node: 14.15.5
typscript: 4.4.3

Code sample looks like this:

We are investigating the issue. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

We are investigating the issue. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Any update?

Any update?

For those who wonders how to fix it, you can set explicit version of cassandra-driver for transitive dependencies in nodejs with "resolutions" then check you have just 1 unique version used in your project (check package-lock or yarn.lock). It should solve the problem.

Still it would be great to upgrade to latest cassandra-driver version as 4.6.3 does not work with 4.6.4.