
V5 Development Tracker

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V5 Development Tracker

This issue is for tracking the changes being made for V5 of the AWS Tools for PowerShell. Development of V5 is happening in the v5-development branch in this repository. V5 is an evolutionary major version change with minimal breaking changes so existing code can upgrade to V5 with low effort.

Breaking changes

  • The monolithic AWSPowerShell module's minimum supported PowerShell version will be updated to 5.1. This is to match the AWS SDK for .NET new minimum of .NET Framework 4.7.2.
  • The types adopted from the AWS SDK for .NET will use the SDK's new nullable changes. For example, properties of type int will change to Nullable[int]. Some cmdlet output will change to return $null instead of empty collections.
  • The AWSHistory variable used for accessing the whole AWS API response will be removed in favor of using the -Select * feature, which has been added to AWS SDK for .NET 4.
  • The AWS_PROFILE environment variable will be used when resolving credentials for a cmdlet.