
xray daemon terminating on Elastic Beanstalk

Caleb-Oneyemi opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello. Currently having issues running the xray daemon alongside an express app hosted on Elastic Beanstalk.

I followed the steps for downloading and running the X-Ray daemon manually on a linux machine using the xray.config as stated here

I'm running Docker on a 64bit Amazon Linux 2/3.4.13
Node version is 16.13.0
aws-xray-sdk version is 3.3.4

Tried this on t2.micro and t2.small.

After I deploy the beanstalk application I get this in the logs

2022-04-08T14:28:26Z [Info] Initializing AWS X-Ray daemon 3.3.3
2022-04-08T14:28:26Z [Info] Using buffer memory limit of 9 MB
2022-04-08T14:28:26Z [Info] 144 segment buffers allocated
2022-04-08T14:28:26Z [Info] Using region: us-east-2
2022-04-08T14:28:26Z [Info] HTTP Proxy server using X-Ray Endpoint
2022-04-08T14:28:26Z [Info] Starting proxy http server on
2022-04-08T14:29:07Z [Info] Got shutdown signal: terminated

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Hi @Caleb-Oneyemi
In your X-Ray daemon's config file (cfg.yaml), can you set the LogLevel to Debug and see if there are any errors being encountered?