aws-for-fluent-bit emits firehose OUTPUT instead of newer kinesis_firehose OUTPUT
jbeaken opened this issue · 1 comments
jbeaken commented
Describe the bug
firehose enabled creates an OUTPUT of name firehose, which is the old plugin. Logs warn
AWS for Fluent Bit Container Image Version 2.31.11time="2023-10-02T10:33:38Z" level=info msg="A new higher performance Firehose plugin has been released; you are using the old plugin. Check out the new plugin's documentation and consider migrating.\n"
Steps to reproduce
values.yaml :
enabled: true
match: "test"
region: "us-east-1"
deliveryStream: "my-stream"
Expected outcome
A concise description of what you expected to happen.
Name kinesis_firehose
Match test
region us-east-1
delivery_stream my-stream
but instead have Name firehose
- Chart name: aws-for-fluent-bit
- Chart version: 0.1.30
- Kubernetes version: 1.24
- Using EKS (yes/no), if so version? yes
Additional Context:
s-maj commented
You can workaround this by using additionalOutputs:
additionalOutputs: |
Name kinesis_firehose
Match *
region "{{ .cluster.fluentbit.aos_region }}"
delivery_stream "{{ .cluster.fluentbit.firehose_name }}"
time_key time
time_key_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N