
Run repolinter

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asafp@f4d488973bd7:~/glide/repolinter$ node bin/repolinter.js ~/glide/glide-for-redis/ -r ~/Downloads/amazon-ospo-ruleset.json 
(node:70349) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Target directory: /Users/asafp/glide/glide-for-redis
⚠  binary-exec-lib: Found files
	ℹ PolicyUrl: (java/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar)
✔  binary-archive: Did not find a file matching the specified patterns
	✔ **/*.zip
	✔ **/*.tar
	✔ **/*.tar.gz
	✔ **/*.7z
	✔ **/*.iso
	✔ **/*.rpm
	✔ **/*.gz
	✔ **/*.rar
	✔ **/*.whl
	✔ **/*.tgz
✔  binary-document: Did not find a file matching the specified patterns
	✔ **/*.pdf
	✔ **/*.doc
	✔ **/*.docx
	✔ **/*.xls
	✔ **/*.xlsx
	✔ **/*.ppt
	✔ **/*.pptx
	✔ **/*.odt
✔  amazon-logo: No file matching hash found
✔  third-party-image: Did not find a file matching the specified patterns
	✔ **/*.jpg
	✔ **/*.jpeg
	✔ **/*.png
	✔ **/*.gif
	✔ **/*.tiff
	✔ **/*.ico
	✔ **/*.svg
✔  dataset: Did not find a file matching the specified patterns
	✔ **/*.csv
	✔ **/*.data
	✔ **/*.tsv
✔  dockerfile: Did not find a file matching the specified patterns (**/*docker*)
✔  dockerfile-download-statement: Did not find content matching specified patterns
✔  internal-url: Did not find content matching specified patterns
⚠  prohibited-license:
	ℹ PolicyUrl:
	⚠ node/THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES_NODE: Contains 'Affero' on line 19702, context: 
	|sser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
	⚠ glide-core/THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES_RUST: Contains 'Affero' on line 19357, context: 
	|sser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
	⚠ python/THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES_PYTHON: Contains 'Affero' on line 160594, context: 
	|sser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
⚠  third-party-license-file: Found files
	ℹ PolicyUrl: (LICENSE)
⚠  hidden-or-generated-file: Found files
	ℹ PolicyUrl:
	⚠ .eslintignore
	⚠ .eslintrc.cjs
	⚠ .git
	⚠ .github
	⚠ .gitignore
	⚠ .gitmodules
	⚠ .vscode
	⚠ csharp/.gitignore
	⚠ benchmarks/.gitignore
	⚠ java/.cargo
	⚠ java/.gitignore
	⚠ node/.gitignore
	⚠ glide-core/.cargo
	⚠ python/.cargo
	⚠ python/.github
	⚠ python/.gitignore
	⚠ csharp/lib/.cargo
	⚠ benchmarks/rust/.cargo
	⚠ node/rust-client/.cargo
	⚠ examples/node/.gitignore
	⚠ node/npm/glide/.gitignore
⚠  large-file: Large file(s) found:
	ℹ PolicyUrl:
	⚠ /Users/asafp/glide/glide-for-redis/python/THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES_PYTHON: File size 8.467337 MB bytes
	⚠ /Users/asafp/glide/glide-for-redis/node/THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES_NODE: File size 2.620319 MB bytes
	⚠ /Users/asafp/glide/glide-for-redis/glide-core/THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES_RUST: File size 2.054045 MB bytes