
generate event for sns about new put event in S3 -- bug/example

dancaspi opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey all,
SAM is great, but I am missing documentation on how to generate local events for debugging and local runs. for S3 it works as shown on the site. however if I am looking for an SNS based events (which alerts on an S3 event) I am a bit at a lost:

sam local generate-event sns notification --message "($cat s3_put_event.json)"

the above was suggested as solution but it intorduces quotes in the message part:
the message portion of the notification looks something like this:

"Message": "{
  "Records": [
    {...}]... }"

the problematic part is the encapsulating quotes around the message that shouldn't be there.,

any help would be appreciated,

So.. at least for me, the issue was solved by using a bit of sed, but i think it should be fixed somehow (or i am missing something). the problem turns out to be twofold: the message is in fact a string, so that's ok. but it needs to be completely escaped to be json: once for quotation marks and once for newlines. the eventual solution that worked for me was:

sam local generate-event sns notification --message "$(sam local generate-event s3 put --bucket yourbucket --key your/file/key.txt | sed 's/\"/\\"/g' | sed -E ':a;N;$!ba;s/\r{0,1}\n/\\n/g')" > s3_put_event_via_sns_notification.json

and so you will have a json that properly serves as input for local run of SAM and parses correctly. Am I missing something? I am running version SAM CLI 0.47.0

should this be closed?

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