
Lambda function to process events from an AWS IoTButton

Primary LanguageC#


The solution creates Lambda function using C# that processes events from a AWS IoT Button and publishes the events to a Kinesis Stream. The Streaming data is further pushed to a S3 bucket through Kinesis Firehose.

Technologies used

  1. AWS Lambda
  2. Amazon Kinesis Stream
  3. Amazon Kinesis Firehose

Setup Instructions

Create a Kinesis Stream

  • Go to the Amazon Kinesis home page on the AWS Console
  • Under Data Streams, click on Create Kinesis Stream
  • Give the Kinesis stream a name and enter 1 for the Number of Shards text field
  • Click on Create Kinesis Stream button to create the stream

Create a Kinesis Firehose

  • Click Data Firehose on the Amazon Kinesis home page and click button Create delivery stream
  • Give the delivery stream a name
  • Choose Kinesis Stream as source and in the select the Kinesis stream you created in the earlier step as the source
  • Click Next and leave everything as is on this page and click Next again
  • Select Amazon S3 under Select Destination
  • Choose the S3 bucket you want the stream data to be published to. You can also enter a prefix for the filenames that will be created on S3 if you wish so and click Next
  • Change Buffer interval to 60 for demo purposes. This helps the streams gets processed faster
  • Follow the instructions to create a new IAM Role or use choose an existing one as approprite and click Next
  • Click Create delivery stream in the Review screen

Project setup (for Visual Studio on Windows with AWS Toolkit installed)

  • Clone this repo on your machine
  • Change the StreamName property to the name of the Kinesis Data Stream you created in the first step
  • Make sure the AWS region is appropriate as well
using (var kinesisClient = new AmazonKinesisClient(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1))
                Task.WaitAll(kinesisClient.PutRecordsAsync(new PutRecordsRequest()
                    StreamName = "MyButtonStream",
                    Records = new List<PutRecordsRequestEntry>() { new PutRecordsRequestEntry() { Data = stream, PartitionKey = "AAA" } }
  • Publish the Lambda function to AWS by right clicking on the project and choosing Publish to AWS Lambda
  • Make sure the Lambda function has is assigned to a Role that has access to the following policies
    • AWSLambdaFullAccess
    • AWSKinesisFullAccess

Setup your AWS IoTButton

  • Follow this instructions to setup your IoTButton
  • Once setup, you should be able to see the Lambda function on the AWS Button phone app. Configure the button to send the events to the lambda function by associating the function in the app
  • Now the button is all set to send events to the Lambda function you just created

Test it all out

  • Press the button one to send a SINGLE event, twice to send a DOUBLE event and long press to send a LONG event
  • Go to CloudWatch logs and see the events getting logged. Here is a sample event you should be able to see

{ "serialNumber": "G030JF051206XX00", "batteryVoltage": "1631mV", "clickType": "SINGLE" }

  • Go to the S3 bucket you configured to receive Kinesis Firehose stream and check the files getting created