
[export-neptune-to-elasticsearch] Encrypted databases not supported

xentripetal opened this issue · 0 comments

The export batch job will fail when triggered with the following error for encrypted databases: The specified KMS key [arn:aws:kms:...YOUR_KEY_ARN...] does not exist, is not enabled or you do not have permissions to access it. (Service: AmazonNeptune; Status Code: 400; Error Code: KMSKeyNotAccessibleFault; Request ID: ...; Proxy: null)

To resolve this you have to manually add a policy to the generated BatchExecutionRole and BatchJobRole.

    Version   = "2012-10-17"
    Statement = [
        Effect = "Allow",
        Action = [
        Resource = "YOUR_KMS_ARN"

It would be helpful if there was a KMS arn parameter in the template that will automatically add these permissions to the roles if specified.