
Support for SQS Lambda source event

Closed this issue · 7 comments

AWS now supports using SQS as a Lambda event source. Events containing messages created with the extended client are hard to handle. Would be great to have a mechanism of deserializing the message and fetching the document from S3 if the message contains a reference.

Second that !


How would you want this to work? Would you like a AWS provided library which had a special handler which fetched the S3 object behind the scenes and passed you it?

For documentation purposes, I believe the ask is to make it easier for anyone currently consuming messages that were published by an SQSExtendedClient library and sent to an SQS queue easier.

The flow looks like this: SQSExtendedClient -> SQS Queue -> Lambda

As of now, I don't believe I have found any particular info regarding this use case. Probably this SO question can shed some light:

We cannot directly use the SQSExtendedClient to consume messages sent to Lambda, so it sounds like a hacky solution is needed in the mean time to determine if the message is an S3 pointer or the actual payload.

This is especially painful when the SQSExtendedClient is configured to send regular messages via SQS and oversized messages via S3.

Lambda Powertools for Java now provides a seamless way to consume large messages in Lambda.

You can find the docs here:

Thanks a lot @msailes, closing this issue