
Error in parsing cloudformation templates

SvenMarquardt5772 opened this issue · 4 comments

I have multiple valid cloudformation templates, that the validator cannot parse.

❯ cfn-lint -t cdk.out/jenkins-build-role-image-builder.template.json

❯ cfn-policy-validator validate --template-path cdk.out/jenkins-build-role-image-builder.template.json --region eu-central-1 2> error.log

Attached is the error log.

It seems the join is an issue there.

Are you able to provide a snippet of the join that's failing? Or if it's easier, you can send the whole template to

I was able to reproduce and just released a fix. Try grabbing the latest from PyPI and please reopen the issue if you're still having problems.

The explanation - I use jsonschema to validate your template's schema in order to provide better error messages when something goes wrong. I specified a version range for jsonschema that was too wide and a new major version was released ~12 hours ago that included a breaking change to how this tool validates schemas.

Yes, this is now fixed for me as of 0.0.4. Thanks for the quick fix.