
Question: Group rendering with AWSSimplified.puml

jghaines opened this issue · 3 comments

The diagram below will render boxes around each component including the VPC networking group.

If I uncomment the AWSSimplified line, all the boxes disapear, making the VPC grouping invisible.

@startuml FSX network
!define AWSPuml
!include AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
' Uncomment the following line to create simplified view
'!include AWSPuml/AWSSimplified.puml
!include AWSPuml/General/Users.puml

!include AWSPuml/Storage/FSxforWindowsFileServer.puml
!include AWSPuml/NetworkingAndContentDelivery/ClientVPN.puml
!include AWSPuml/GroupIcons/VirtualPrivateCloudVPC.puml

!include AWSPuml/GroupIcons/CorporateDataCenter.puml

title: <b>Network infrastructure</b>
'left to right direction
'top to bottom direction

FSxforWindowsFileServer(fsx, "FSx Windows File Server", "")

Users(wfh, "", "Member Joins Online")
VirtualPrivateCloudVPC(networking_vpc, "Networking VPC", "") {
    ClientVPN(clientVpn, "Client VPN", "")

wfh -right-> clientVpn

clientVpn -right-> fsx


Rendered with PLANTUML_VERSION=1.2019.11

cat x.puml | docker run --rm -i think/plantuml > x.svg

and browser-based PlantUML

I'll look into into seeing if there is a way to keep boxes in simplified mode for grouping of objects. It may be through using native PlantUML (Graphviz) boundary boxes in this case for referencing the VPC.

One way to have a rectangle grouping is to use the native sprite for the icon to use as part of a rectangle definition. I've modified the VirtualPrivateCloudVPC(networking_vpc, "Networking VPC", "") to this:

@startuml FSX network
!define AWSPuml
!include AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
' Uncomment the following line to create simplified view
!include AWSPuml/AWSSimplified.puml
!include AWSPuml/General/Users.puml

!include AWSPuml/Storage/FSxforWindowsFileServer.puml
!include AWSPuml/NetworkingAndContentDelivery/ClientVPN.puml
!include AWSPuml/GroupIcons/VirtualPrivateCloudVPC.puml

!include AWSPuml/GroupIcons/CorporateDataCenter.puml

title: <b>Network infrastructure</b>
'left to right direction
'top to bottom direction

FSxforWindowsFileServer(fsx, "FSx Windows File Server", "")

Users(wfh, "", "Member Joins Online")
rectangle "VPC" <<$VirtualPrivateCloudVPC{scale=.5}>> {
    ClientVPN(clientVpn, "Client VPN", "")

wfh -right-> clientVpn

clientVpn -right-> fsx


FSX network

With AWSSimplified included, the VPC rectangle stays visible. And in regular mode it looks like this:

FSX network

Not being a PlantUML expert, I'd be interested in how the GroupIcons can be expressed as rectangles and not stereotypes like the rest of the icons.

EDIT: Graphics

Closing out. Please feel free to reopen if needed.