
Including General/Globe.puml results in a syntax error

lukepafford opened this issue · 2 comments


I copied the following sequence diagram from the README, and the diagram renders successfully:

@startuml Sequence Diagram - Technical

!define AWSPuml
!include AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
!include AWSPuml/Compute/all.puml
!include AWSPuml/ApplicationIntegration/APIGateway.puml
!include AWSPuml/General/Internetalt1.puml
!include AWSPuml/Database/DynamoDB.puml

actor User as user
APIGatewayParticipant(api, Credit Card System, All methods are POST)
DynamoDBParticipant(db, PaymentTransactions, sortkey=transaction_id+token)
Internetalt1Participant(processor, Authorizer, Returns status and token)

user -> api: Process transaction\nPOST /prod/process
api -> lambda: Invokes lambda with cardholder details
lambda -> processor: Submit via API token\ncard number, expiry, CID
processor -> processor: Validate and create token
processor -> lambda: Returns status code and token
lambda -> db: PUT transaction id, token
lambda -> api: Returns\nstatus code, transaction id
api -> user: Returns status code


Simply adding in the following include statement results in a syntax error:

!include AWSPuml/General/Globe.puml

syntax error

I've got a gut feeling that I've done something stupid, or something is wrong with the PlantUML being used to render the diagram. Will post an update if I figure out what's going wrong.

Well, I think I got it working, and it appears that I identified the root cause. PlantUML didn't like that there was two include statements underneath the General folder.

I switched the include statement to all.puml, e.g. !include AWSPuml/General/all.puml.

I can't say with certainty that this was the root cause, but my diagram now renders successfully, so it sure seems that way.