Question: how can I modify the default label on Groups elements?
socketbox opened this issue · 2 comments
@mcwarman Thank you for adding the Groups elements.
Is there a way to label objects in the Groups category? For example, I've an architecture that spans multiple AWS accounts (a CloudFront distribution with an origin in a different account) and I'd like to distinguish between each account in my diagram using the account name. Something like this:
Look at how examples/Groups - VPC.puml
does this for Availability Zones using a second parameter (this is one of the rendered examples on the main README page as well)
AvailabilityZoneGroup(az_1, "\tAvailability Zone 1\t")
Or examples/s3-upload-workflow/S3 Upload Workflow.puml
adds a label to Region
RegionGroup(region, "Region (us-east-1)") {
Note - to remove the line space above the groups icon, you need to hide stereotype
but that might hide your CloudFront stereotype as well.
Ah, I'm not sure how I missed this. Thanks for pointing this out.