Syntax error for ApplicationIntegration/{all,EventBridge*}.puml
joseph-so opened this issue · 2 comments
joseph-so commented
Get the syntax error for any EventBridge related PUML import
Version: 17.0
Sample code:
!define AWSPuml
!includeurl AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
!includeurl AWSPum/ApplicationIntegration/EventBridge.puml
Expect Result: With no error
PlantUML 1.2023.13
[From string (line 4) ]
@startuml!define AWSPuml
!includeurl AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
' Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
' SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT (For details, see
...... ( skipping 485 lines )...
!$buffer = ""
!$tmp = $label
!$i = %strpos($tmp, "\n")
!while $i >= 0
!$buffer = $buffer + %substr($tmp, 0, $i) + "</color>\n<color:" + $color + ">"
!$tmp = %substr($tmp, $i + 2)
!$i = %strpos($tmp, "\n")
!return "<color:" + $color + ">" + $buffer + $tmp + "</color>"
' AWSGroupEntity deprecated, left for backwards compatibility
!definelong AWSGroupEntity(g_alias, g_label, g_color, g_stereo)rectangle "$colorlabel(g_label, g_color)" as g_alias <<g_stereo>>
!definelong AWSGroupEntity(g_alias, g_label, g_color, g_sprite, g_stereo)rectangle "$AWSGroupImg(g_sprite) $colorlabel(g_label, g_color)" as g_alias <<g_stereo>>
!enddefinelong!includeurl AWSPum/ApplicationIntegration/EventBridge.puml
cannot include AWSPum/ApplicationIntegration/EventBridge.pum
hakanson commented
Looks like you are missing an l
on the second !includeurl AWSPum
Just tried below and got it working
!define AWSPuml
!includeurl AWSPuml/AWSCommon.puml
!includeurl AWSPuml/ApplicationIntegration/EventBridge.puml
title Hello EventBridge
joseph-so commented
Thanks.. sorry for this stupid mistake... my eye was blind