Support more than 10 indexes on $DefineCalloutSprite function
carloscrono opened this issue · 3 comments
carloscrono commented
I recently created a Sequence Diagram where I needed to track the number of sequences. In one of my blocks I had more than 10 indexes, so, I had to integrate your DefineCallOut function inline with the following code.
!function $DefineCalloutSprite($number, $textcolor, $fillcolor, $xtext)
!$header = 'sprite Callout_' + $number + ' <svg xmlns="" width="18" height="18">'
!$circle = '<circle cx="11" cy="11" r="11" fill="' + $fillcolor + '" />'
!$textnumber = '<text x="' + $xtext + '" y="15" fill="' + $textcolor + '" font-size="12">' + $number + '</text></svg>'
!return $header + $circle + $textnumber
!$CalloutIndex = 1
!while $CalloutIndex < 100
!if $CalloutIndex < 10
$DefineCalloutSprite($CalloutIndex, $AWS_BG_COLOR, $AWS_FG_COLOR, 7)
$DefineCalloutSprite($CalloutIndex, $AWS_BG_COLOR, $AWS_FG_COLOR, 3)
!$CalloutIndex = $CalloutIndex + 1
I would like to integrate this small change so we can support more indexes, unless until 99.
hakanson commented
I'm working on an update now and will take a look at this, likely next week based on my schedule.
carloscrono commented
Thanks, that would be great
hakanson commented
Instead of increasing circle size, I'm going to decrease font size. When I tested larger size on sequence diagrams, the larger circle size overlapped the message line/arrow.
!function $DefineCalloutSprite($number, $textcolor, $fillcolor, $x)
!$header = 'sprite Callout_' + $number + ' <svg xmlns="" width="18" height="18">'
!$circle = '<circle cx="9" cy="9" r="9" fill="' + $fillcolor + '" />'
!$textnumber = '<text x="' + $x + '" y="13" fill="' + $textcolor + '" font-size="10">' + $number + '</text></svg>'
!return $header + $circle + $textnumber
!$CalloutIndex = 1
!while $CalloutIndex < 100
!if $CalloutIndex < 10
$DefineCalloutSprite($CalloutIndex, $AWS_BG_COLOR, $AWS_FG_COLOR, 6)
$DefineCalloutSprite($CalloutIndex, $AWS_BG_COLOR, $AWS_FG_COLOR, 3)
!$CalloutIndex = $CalloutIndex + 1