
Unable to remove imputer.log file until I restart my kernel

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have checked the full code to find the error. During training a log file is generated and mapped to logger Python framework, but the connection is never closed. This action make us unuseful when we want to remove the imputer folder that is created until we restart the kernel and the connection is lost.

To solve it I've attached a new function to retrieve all the handlers that are opened, then all of them are closed. With this easy action we can now remove any file generated after the training of datawig model has finished.

Find below the only changes I have made to make it work. Changes only performed in "" file:

` def __close_filehandlers(self) -> None:
"""Function to close connection with log file.
author: Carlos Moral Rubio."""

    handlers = logger.handlers[:]
    for handler in handlers:


` def fit(self,
train_df: pd.DataFrame,
test_df: pd.DataFrame = None,
ctx: mx.context = get_context(),
learning_rate: float = 1e-3,
num_epochs: int = 100,
patience: int = 3,
test_split: float = .1,
weight_decay: float = 0.,
batch_size: int = 16,
final_fc_hidden_units: List[int] = None,
calibrate: bool = True):
Trains and stores imputer model

    :param train_df: training data as dataframe
    :param test_df: test data as dataframe; if not provided, [test_split] % of the training
                    data are used as test data
    :param ctx: List of mxnet contexts (if no gpu's available, defaults to [mx.cpu()])
                User can also pass in a list gpus to be used, ex. [mx.gpu(0), mx.gpu(2), mx.gpu(4)]
    :param learning_rate: learning rate for stochastic gradient descent (default 1e-4)
    :param num_epochs: maximal number of training epochs (default 100)
    :param patience: used for early stopping; after [patience] epochs with no improvement,
                    training is stopped. (default 3)
    :param test_split: if no test_df is provided this is the ratio of test data to be held
                    separate for determining model convergence
    :param weight_decay: regularizer (default 0)
    :param batch_size: default 16
    :param final_fc_hidden_units: list of dimensions for the final fully connected layer.
    :param calibrate: whether to calibrate predictions
    :return: trained imputer model
    if final_fc_hidden_units is None:
        final_fc_hidden_units = []

    # make sure the output directory is writable
    assert os.access(self.output_path, os.W_OK), "Cannot write to directory {}".format(

    self.batch_size = batch_size
    self.final_fc_hidden_units = final_fc_hidden_units

    self.ctx = ctx
    logger.debug('Using [{}] as the context for training'.format(ctx))

    if (train_df is None) or (not isinstance(train_df, pd.core.frame.DataFrame)):
        raise ValueError("Need a non-empty DataFrame for fitting Imputer model")

    if test_df is None:
        train_df, test_df = random_split(train_df, [1.0 - test_split, test_split])

    iter_train, iter_test = self.__build_iterators(train_df, test_df, test_split)


    # to make consecutive calls to .fit() continue where the previous call finished
    if self.module is None:
        self.module = self.__build_module(iter_train)

    self.__fit_module(iter_train, iter_test, learning_rate, num_epochs, patience, weight_decay)

    # Check whether calibration is needed, if so ompute and set internal parameter
    # for temperature scaling that is supplied to self.__predict_mxnet_iter()
    if calibrate is True:

    _, metrics = self.__transform_and_compute_metrics_mxnet_iter(iter_test,

    for att, att_metric in metrics.items():
        if isinstance(att_metric, dict) and ('precision_recall_curves' in att_metric):
            self.precision_recall_curves[att] = att_metric['precision_recall_curves']


    if self.is_explainable:
        self.__persist_class_prototypes(iter_train, train_df)


    return self`


Thanks a lot for catching the problem and sharing your fix! Would you like to submit a pull request with your proposed solution?

Yes, sure. I will do it right now, ¡thanks!

tdhd commented

Merged a fix for this in #131, closing this issue.

Feel free to reopen in case the problem persists.