can it run windows gameservers?
dzmitry-lahoda opened this issue · 7 comments
agones, afaik, has release a candidate with windows support. will amazon be able to help with that?
@dzmitry-lahoda I did not test this on Windows Server. I don't think the Agones project has been tested against Windows Server yet. That would be a prerequisite for running this on Windows Server.
The concepts are essentially the same; run a node agent on each Windows Server that claims the [FleetIQ] game server/instance and updates its health 1x per minute until there are no longer allocated game servers running on the Windows Server worker node.
I see. Latest agones released with official windows support (scripts for gke). I was able to run that on aks.
I read the answer as I can host docker which calls fleetiq via amazon sdk to make sure amazon hosts nodes for me?
@dzmitry-lahoda I read through the issue in the Agones project for Windows support and it seems like it will work. That said, I haven't tested the FleetIQ adapter on Windows. It's written in python so you won't need to recompile it for Windows. If you want to try running it on Windows and letting me know what issues you encounter, that would be awesome. I won't have time to test this for at least another couple weeks.
Another question raised from our meeting. Is adapter allocates only on spot instances or usual instances too?
@dzmitry-lahoda it is designed to run on Spot instances, but FleetIQ includes an option to create a game server group that consists of all on-demand instances. It also has the ability to revert to on-demand when there is no spot capacity available. See for further information about Balancing Strategies.