Log file naming hardcode the time and extensions separators
vche opened this issue · 0 comments
vche commented
In log file name the separator with the datetime string and the extension strings are hardcoded.
So, using another char than "-" or no extension doesn't work.
file_path = "var/output/logs/fwsyslog.log"
file_rotation_timeformat = ".%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M"
file_rotation_time = 60
# want fwsyslog.2021-12-17-15-06.log
# get fwsyslog-.2021-12-17-15-39.log
file_path = "var/output/logs/fwsyslog"
file_rotation_timeformat = ".%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M"
file_rotation_time = 60
# want fwsyslog.2021-12-17-15-06
# get fwsyslog-.2021-12-17-15-39.log
Update new_file.set_file_name(&format!("{}-{}.{}"
- The datetime separator must be removed and put in the config string.
- The ".{}" suffix should only be appended if the filename contains a suffix